Going International
Since 2005, the FH-Bachelor Programme Military Leadership at the Theresan Military Academy has been exchanging lecturers, staff and students with various countries. The main purpose is to increase interoperability and intercultural competence in order to prepare our officer cadets for managing their future challenges best.
Both incoming and outgoing activities ensure that all students improve their learning outcomes, which goes hand in hand with the European Union's strategic objective in the field of higher education and the “European initiative for the exchange of young officers inspired by Erasmus”.
The Theresian Military Academy cooperates with more than 48 partner universities worldwide. Together we cultivate and live a culture of hospitality and intercultural dialog.
gENERAL conditions for Internationalisation
In order to successfully educate people, promote common ground and develop mutual understanding for one another, certain framework conditions are required.
One of these frameworks is the "European initiative for the exchange of young officers inspired by Erasmus" (EMILYO), often referred to as "Military Erasmus". The initiative taken by the European Union Member States aims to promote exchanges between the armed forces of future military officers as well as their teachers and instructors during their initial education and training.
An Implementation Group was created in February 2009 as a task-oriented configuration of the European Security and Defence College’s Executive Academic Board.
The Theresian Military Academy has been a member of the initiative from the very beginning and its achievements are largely responsible for the internationalisation and harmonisation of basic officer education.
The most important programme to promote high-quality internationalisation in the field of education is the ERASMUS+ Programme. The European Union Programme provides financial and organisational support for our students and staff during stays abroad and supports international development projects. As a guarantee of high-quality education, our FH-Bachelor Programme Military Leadership has been awarded the "Erasmus Charter for Higher Education 2021-2027" quality seal for the third time since 2006. By signing the ERASMUS Charter and committing to the Erasmus Policy Statement, our Bachelor Programme has committed itself to the internationalisation strategy. The ERASMUS+ programme is an indispensable and integral part of our Bachelor's degree programme.